ECP (Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation)
ECP is most often done in conjunction with cataract surgery using the same incision. Following the removal of the cataract, a small probe with a camera is inserted into the eye. The probe is connected to a laser with fiber-optic cables that allows laser energy to be delivered to the ciliary body, which is the structure producing fluid and pressurizing the eye. As a result it causes coagulation of the ciliary body and a reduction of intraocular fluid, leading to reduced eye pressure. The laser energy can be titrated to achieve light blanching of the ciliary processes, which is directly visualized on a monitor during the procedure. This portion of the surgery takes only a few minutes and should cause minimal if any pain. This procedure is minimally invasive and does not involve opening up the conjunctival tissue, making future glaucoma surgeries simpler if necessary.

ECP is done in an ambulatory surgery center under local anesthesia and light intravenous sedation (like routine cataract surgery). In some cases, an eye block may be done for additional anesthesia. Following this procedure, you will be using postoperative medications in addition to your glaucoma drops. It may take 6-8 weeks before the final outcome of the procedure is known. If successful, you might be able to eliminate some of your glaucoma eye drops. Your surgeon will examine you the following day.